It was another Friday night at a Starbucks Coffee joint in a suburb somewhere in the St. James-Independence metroplex in southwestern Nebraska. A few minutes ago, eight regulars walked in. Sure, there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary with Josh Burbank, his fiancee Beth McCart, Scott Alan Childers (a.k.a. Scott Raymond Chen), his girlfriend Krissy Cobham, cousins Sara and Jasper Hewitt, and their significant others Anne Peters (Jasper's girlfriend) and Kim King (Sara's new boyfriend) to the other Starbucks regulars. They were known for their raucous laughter as they all gradually loaded up on coffee and baked goods, but otherwise, they were considered good folks. Tonight, though, things were different. For starters, our heroes are the only ones here, aside from the two baristas. However, Josh, Scott and the rest of the gang don't really seem to be bothered by this, until thirty minutes in, when they all go uncomfortably silent mid-conversation and exchange looks of realization with one another.
"It's happening again, isn't it?" Sara asks to break the silence. Everyone turns to look towards Josh, who sits at the end of the table, and hasn't said anything since their collective epiphany. He doesn't look too happy. "I have a modest proposal, gang," Josh finally speaks. "This Horsehockey thing can't really get to us if we don't let it. And we all know in the past, things didn't start going haywire for us until after we tried to escape the first time. So, I suggest that we don't leave this spot for as long as possible. I know it isn't the most practical thing to do, since we all have jobs and lives and families, but we don't have to let them push us around anymore!" The vote is unanimous. They won't be leaving this table anytime soon.
6/3/2019 12:39:35 PM
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