A middle aged man, with slightly thinning dark hair and a slight beard, wearing a slate gray suit, slowly lifts his head off of his desk. He has a bugger of a headache, but is more immediately concerned with the level of disorientation that he has. He looks at his surroundings. He is in a large office, with huge floor to ceiling windows (revealing only blackness) covering one wall. On another wall are floor to ceiling shelves, tightly packed with binders and books. Another wall is unadorned and has a rather forbidding looking black door. The final wall features a huge rectangular painting of a field of flowers surrounding a house. If he looks closely, he can see the flowers wave in the breeze and smoke lazily drift from the chimney. His desk is rich mahogany, and on it sits a small square with a stylized MS surrounded by a field of stars. There is a small potted plant by the desk, looks like it has been well watered. The desk itself possesses many drawers, and there is what could only be described as a screen floating in the air. Well, not a screen, but information on what would be a screen, if such a screen existed. Now that he focuses, he can see a slight blue border around it, it has to be over forty inches. On the screen there is a flashing red message: ERROR - COMPLETE REALITY RESET - INITIATE TOWER RE-CENTERING? <Y/N> "What the fuck?" says the man, lazily. He notices that attached to his suit is an ID badge. It doesnt appear to be affixed to anything. He removes it to give it a better look:
HORACE L. SPENKELMEYER Beneath all of this there is what might first appear to be a strange barcode, but staring at it is like looking at one of those hidden image paintings that were featured in many early 21st century Terran malls. Horace (as he figures this is his name) shakes his head slowly, as if to clear his mind. "What the fuck..." he mutters again. He then re-affixes his badge to his suit and looks again at the prompt on the screen. As he contemplates it, another message appears: COMPLETE CATASTROPHIC REALITY FAILURE - RE-EMERGENCE OF WIDE VARIANCE OF THE TOWER - URGENT ATTENTION REQUIRED - NO RE-CENTERING HAS OCCURRED FOR 129 DAYS. Horace blinks, trying to remember... anything.
12/30/2019 10:04:18 PM
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