Horace doesn't remember shit. I mean, he remembers how to use a keyboard, of course, but nothing about his past. He presses a few combinations of keys and nothing appears on the screen but that message. Finally, he mutters "fuck it" and presses N. Immediately the screen flashes up another ominous message. YOU MUST INITIATE TOWER RE-CENTERING. BACKUP FAILURE. COMPLETE CATASTROPHIC REALITY FAILURE - RE-EMERGENCE OF WIDE VARIANCE OF THE TOWER - URGENT ATTENTION REQUIRED - NO RE-CENTERING HAS OCCURRED FOR 129 DAYS. ERROR - COMPLETE REALITY RESET - INITIATE TOWER RE-CENTERING? <Y/N> Horace sighs. What the hell is going on here? He opens a drawer on his desk to find a tablet with the same bold red flashing message. There is also a large smartphone with the same message. Shrugging, he clicks the Y key on the keyboard. ... The three ellipses bounce up and down, and then a chime is heard. TOWER RE-CENTERING INITIATED. CASCADE FAILURE CAUSED IRRETRIEVABLE TEMPORAL LOSS. PLEASE PERFORM A LEVEL SIX COMPREHENSIVE CHECK OF ALL FLOORS AFTER CENTERING COMPLETES. After watching the screen for a while, it is evident this is going to take some time. Horace contemplates his options.
6/8/2020 12:07:48 AM
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