
Horsehockey V - Episode 1404

Since the four's story of having been sent by a powerful wizard was different from the (true) one that they had previously given, Leandra assumed that the truth serum that she had administered in their drinks must have only just taken effect. What she wasn't aware of was that their physiology was subtly different from that of the people of Caeln, so that her truth serum had had no effect on them.

"What wizard sent you?" she asked.

"Oh, you want the name?" said Belboz, casting side-glances at Astra, Exotica, and Josh. "Well, I would be happy to provide it..."

"Wait!" interrupted Josh, playing along and showing commendable initiative. "You must not say her name!"

This was intriguing to Leandra. "So it wasn't a wizard that sent you but a sorceress," she said. "She must be powerful indeed for you to have penetrated our magical defences. What is her name? Do not try to tell me again that it must not be said, or it will not go well for you."

There was an awkward silence. Josh reflected that perhaps his intervention hadn't been such a good idea after all. "You wouldn't have heard of her," he said after a moment.

"I doubt that there is any magic user on Caeln having such evident power that I am unaware of. I make it my business to know such things."

Seeing that Josh was struggling, Belboz made up a name at random. "She is known as Ghislaine," he said.

  1. Leandra frowned, but was unwilling to admit that the name meant nothing to her. "Ah yes, I know of her," she bluffed. She made a mental note to find out who this Ghislaine was.
  2. Remarkably there was a sorceress on Caeln by that name. Leandra had not thought that she had anywhere near as much power as sending the four here would have needed, though. That she had evidently seriously underestimated Ghislaine discomfited her.

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