Josh awakens in the men's room at the Tampa Bay Comic Book Convention. After a brief moment of silent psychosis, then five minutes of drinking out of the bathroom sink, Josh goes to enjoy the convention.
Enjoy the improv of Penguin Knife fight.
Josh ends up in the front row of a Wallace Shawn panel.
Josh buys an old action figure from a talkative hairy short man. Like a stunt double for Super Mario.
Josh makes fun of a guy for his really bad Jermiah Arkham costume. The convention evicts Josh.
Josh pays too much money for really good food.
Josh's satchel has a Deadpool costume. He joins in on the Spider-man dance on the lower floor.
Josh helps out the Gamer's On the Edge charity by fixing ten XBox 360s. With headbutts. It's insane but works.
Josh is mistaken for a Josh Burbank cosplayer.
Josh mistakes a security guard for Agent 47.
The real Agent 47 knocks Josh out for no clear reason.
Josh is actually a gopher for multiple Doctor Who actors. He gets Peter Capaldi a nice beer.
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