
Horsehockey V - Episode 1238

While Edgar Hawkings and his father Chamuel argue, and the princesses Astra and Exotica tend to an injured Stacy, none of them have noticed another portal manifesting itself in the oppressively hot Australian outback.

A tall man in a dark suit and sunglasses emerges from the third portal. Edgar catches sight of the man out of the corner of his eye, and he quickly turns around to confront him.

"Thessamar, whatever you plan on doing, back the hell off! This doesn't concern you, or the corrupt American government that hired you!"
"Take it easy, Hawkings," replies the private detective John Thessamar, who has had extensive experience dealing with otherworldly affairs. "And you're mistaken, because this does concern me! Somebody has to save the world from the ones your dad betrayed, and I was hired to do it!"

Astra and Exotica turn their attention back to Stacy after watching the confrontation between Edgar and Thessamar.

"I...I know him," Stacy whispers.
"Tell us who he is, Stacy," Astra urges her.

  1. Stacy tells the princesses all she knows.
  2. Meanwhile, a three way argument has broken out between Edgar, Chamuel and Thessamar...
  3. Exotica gets a surprise.

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Ben McClellan

7/20/2019 2:40:37 AM

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