In the Beginning...With a Talking Sock

Horsehockey V - Episode 814

For seemingly the millionth time*, Scott told himself "Loneliness can't be--"

Halten Sie die Klappe, snapped his talking sock.

Startled at the unexpected disruption to this routine that he keeps getting stuck in, Scott is rendered briefly speechless. He stood in the center of this staircase room, with the comfortable dark red sofas lining the walls, the boxed food in one corner next to a small dining room table, and the strangely inaccessible spiral staircase plunging through the ceiling and floor which had been recently painted a beautiful shade of dark blue.

Before Scott could wonder again what he was doing here, his talking sock cut in:

Sie sind damit nicht neu. Und nein, das würde keinen Spaß machen, wenn du ein einziges Kind gewesen wärest. Jetzt wirst du scheißen oder aus dem Topf steigen und schon eine Entscheidung treffen?

*- Actually it was only the 978,694th time, but he wasn't keeping a close count.

  1. Scott looks up the staircase, once again wondering how he got here.
  2. Scott looks down the staircase, wondering how to get out.
  3. Scott removes his talking sock and lights it on fire.

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