Mysterious alien spaceship

Horsehockey V - Episode 808

Scott has actually found the Planet Express ship. It had been sent here by the Planet Express boss, some insane old guy, to find out why the moon now has a breathable atmosphere.
Scott steals some shoes from an employee locker and continues to explore the ship. As an experienced interdimensional traveler, Scott notices the primitive Gallifreyan technology that allows the ship to be bigger on the inside.

  1. Scott finds an angry humanoid robot.
  2. Scott finds a hideous lobster man.
  3. Scott finds an overweight black man screaming about numbers.
  4. Scott finds his old college roomie, Scruffy. Time to shank or be shanked.
  5. Scott hits on a sexy cyclops lady.
  6. Scott hits on a sexy green man in a short kilt uniform.
  7. Scott meets cowboy Scott.
  8. Scott finds the ancient, shriveled corpses of the cast of the lesser known Star Trek show, 'Star Trek: Cranky Gay Crew'.
  9. Scott meets Krissy, who is trying to fist fight a warning sign about plasma coolant tubes.

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