Horsehockey Island!

Horsehockey V - Episode 68

Stepping through the tent exit, Sara notices a thirty degree rise in temperature. "Oh shit, it's hot!" she says.

Josh, Scott and Jasper step through.

"Palm trees? Sand? Where are we?" asks Scott.
"Miami!" crows Jasper.
"Er, not quite, lamebrain," says Josh. "Knowing our luck, we're probably stuck on a desert island of some sort."

Two hours of exploring confirms Josh's suspicion.

Sara flops down at the base of a palm tree, almost in tears. "Now what? There's no one around that can save or help us!"

  1. Scott proposes building a fire and hopes a ship or plane sees the smoke.
  2. Jasper foolishly decides to swim for it.
  3. A Lord of the Flies mentality quickly sets in...
  4. Josh masturbates wildly. Yes, that always helps!
  5. Help shows up.
  6. Josh attempts to count.
  7. A gaggle of FedEx packages washes ashore.
  8. Reaibn washes ashore.

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Lord Reaibn Daenorth (credit to Ben McClellan)

6/3/2019 11:02:31 PM

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