
Horsehockey V - Episode 652

Scott had fallen down twelve flights of stairs. Only a previously installed Healing Field kept him alive. Scott moaned on the stairs for a full hour before he could stand. Still cut and bloody (it was a low power field) Scott barrels through the nearest door.

  1. It is a printing press, printing the copies of 'The Nice And Accurate Prophecies Of Agnes Nutter, Witch'.
  2. It is his childhood home, filled with his childhood hobby, zebra taxidermy.
  3. It is a dimension of pain.
  4. Scott is picked up by an Imperial patrol and hauled away in a cart to be executed.
  5. Scott remember he is a dear friend of the Tenth Doctor.
  6. Scott gets back to work making the cold sandwiches for the Greenfield Elementary School.
  7. Scott is the newest cast member in the long running comic book 'Archie Andrews'.

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