A Knot in Causality, Loose Ends are Tied, and a Puddle...

Horsehockey V - Episode 433

(Wow, we've hit a new low in ripping off JDR, right? --Ed.)
After dying, Jasper Hewitt found himself standing in a small circle of light, staring at a silver door that oddly stood alone, without any sort of wall surrounding it. Resigned to his fate, Jasper swiftly opened the silver door and walked inside...

Jasper opened the Silver Door and found himself in a great round room. In an instant, transversal shock set in. He knew with certainty that the door he had passed through was some sort of Einstein-Rosen Bridge, a quantum wormhole in the fabric of space-time. He gazed about the enormous chamber.

Jasper felt that this point in reality itself was of incredible significance and began to sweat. The room was filled with people, animals, creatures, and things. The room itself was elaborate, as though made for the gods themselves. Only one silver door existed in the room, the very door through which he had entered. In the center of the room, was a curious, shining puddle of light.

Suddenly, a young Hispanic man walked forward and announced himself. He had been chatting with a man who appeared to be the very image of James Bond, Ian Fleming's fictional character. The handsome, athletic man said "Jasper! I am glad you are finally here! Now listen, Jasper, what I have to say is very important. My name is Miguel. You may, or may not already know me, depending upon precisely which Jasper you in fact actually are."

Jasper started to speak, but Miguel pushed on. "Jasp', this may sound a bit confusing but I think you will catch on immediately. This room is a kind of Reality Nexus, a hub around which reality itself revolves. You may or may not also know this as well, In fact you may even have been here before!

"Now Jasper," continued Miguel, "you, me, and all these beings are part of a great, fragmented web of Causality. Although you may find it hard to accept, we all exist within a strange fiction, created by beings beyond our understanding at present. These beings have so contrived things that a vast number of parallel causal corridors, 'storylines' if you prefer, have been set streaming across the wide realm of all possibility. All these causal corridors, save but a few, eventually meet here, in this room. This room is a focus for many, many paths through space time."
"You're not telling me anything that I didn't already know, but since I seem predestined to follow this old plot, I have to know, what about the puddle?" asked Jasper.
"The Puddle of Light is the only exit from this room. Where it leads, no one but you may find out. That's why we have all been waiting for you. Everyone in this room," explained Miguel, "is someone involved in one or more of the many alternate lives that have culminated in your arrival within this room."

Realizing he's trapped in an old, poorly written rehash of an old Addventure Game 3 episode [EP 432], but not really wanting to deviate from the script any further than he has to, Jasper pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket, unfolds it, and reads in a monotone voice: "But I have led only one life. I am me, Sco...er, Jasper! I couldn't have multiple lives, I'm only one person!"

"Jasper, it only seems so to you. To us, there are many, many Jaspers, but all of them eventually become you, and enter this room and speak to me." Miguel smiled.
"But Miguel," Jasper continued to read from his script, not entirely believing the predicament that brought him here, "how did this happen? How did these beings or whatever make everything come together, right here, right now?"
"Well, Jasper," Miguel shifted his weight to his other foot, "these beings simply used the Advanced Functions to link every other world line to this room. Simple, really."
"In other words, the authors are the 'beings', and you're just reiterating something me and my friends have been all too aware of for the past two decades. God, what was Jennifer Diane Reitz fucking smoking when she wrote this original premise nearly twenty five years ago?"
"You do not have to understand, Jasper," Miguel smiled again. "You merely have to keep doing whatever you want. When you finally enter the Puddle of Light, the whole process will begin again. Think of this place as a universal bottleneck, a place to tie up loose ends. You will understand, in time."

Jasper looked about the room at the hundreds of beings: Zebroids, Fairies, Pudding Monsters, old men quoting Lao Tsu, British agents, and many more.

"How the hell did Scott not go utterly insane dealing with this nonsense?" Jasper asked aloud to nobody in particular.

  1. Talk to some of the assembled characters.
  2. Enter the Puddle of Light.
  3. Sock Miguel in the face as hard as humanly possible.
  4. Encounter another Jasper who just came in through the silver door.
  5. Write an angry email to JDR, questioning her intelligence.

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