Andrew & Zoey

Horsehockey V - Episode 343

After Andrew makes his selection, he and Zoey both march out of the computer labratory, through the small adjacent waiting room, and into the long hallway leading to the lobby and elevators. "So, yeah, I didn't have sitting in a sub-sub-sub basement of work being told that we've been picked to push a button after a two hour wait on my agenda today, did you?" Zoey asks rhetorically.
"Welcome to corporate America," Andrew answers. "If you're gonna work for a place like ConHUGEco, we're gonna be subjected to bullshit like this from time to time. All it does is confuse employees and line executive pockets with more money than they deserve!"
"And yet you willingly joined the whole she-bang and got a promotion to Finances, didn't ya, Andy?" Zoey shoots back with a smile.
Andrew stifles a chuckle and looks away as Zoey playfully slaps his arm.

Before they get to the elevators, Zoey suddenly moves ahead and puts herself in Andrew's path. "Hey, Andy, if you don't mind me asking, do you wanna cut out of here and go do something? I really can't go back to that cubicle after what they just put us through earlier. Whaddya say?"

Andrew is taken aback. But the idea is a good one. "Yeah, that's a great idea," he says as he watches Zoey's eyes light up and her smile grow a little bigger. "So, you got anything in mind?"
"Anything that will get us out of this place early on a Friday afternoon!"

As Andrew starts to smile, Zoey quickly cuts him off: "Oh, and before you go there, no, I wasn't talking about Netflix and chill, buster!" Andrew starts to say that he didn't have that in mind, but stops himself.

Right before getting in the next elevator up, Andrew and Zoey both step off to the side of the lobby to put each other's phone number into their smartphones. They both head up to the fifth and ninth floors, gather their belongings, and notify their supervisors that they're both headed out early. Meeting again in the parking garage, Andrew and Zoey agree on the plan: he'll follow her to her townhouse so she can drop off her car and work related materials, then they'll take his SUV to whereever they may end up tonight. It was a gorgeous day in the St. James-Independence metroplex, and it was foolish for anyone to not take advantage of it.

Zoey's red convertible pulls out of the parking garage followed by Andrew's dark blue sports utility vehicle, and he easily keeps the pace with her as she travels home to her northwest side townhouse in one of St. James' more trendier districts. She parks, then disappears into her home for a few moments before bounding out, making sure to lock everything up behind her. Zoey hops in the already opened passenger side door of Andrew's ride.

"So, where we headed, cowboy?" she asks smiling as she shuts the door.

Andrew and Zoey had no idea at the time, but they would be spending quite a lot of time together in the future; far more time than they had originally planned on earlier at work...

  1. Andrew and Zoey head to downtown St. James to partake in the nightlife.
  2. Andrew and Zoey head out to the suburbs to see what they can see.
  3. Already feeling the effects of Horsehockey, Andrew and Zoey return to her townhouse, run inside, and immediately have wild passionate sex.

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